Anirudh Narayanan Madhavan, B E - MS - SUNY,Buffalo

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We seek alliance for our Son,
Name : Anirudh Narayanan Madhavan
Gender : Male
Cast.Sect &Subsect: Iyengar, Vadakalai
Gothram : NaithruvaKashyapa
Star : Pooradam
Rasi: Dhanur
DoB,Tob & Pob : 27/03/1992, 12.03pm ,Thanjavur
Education : BE - Anna University Rank Holder, MS - SUNY,Buffalo
Occupation: Industrial Engineer, Atech-SEH Metal Fabricators, Visa Status - H1B
Location: Buffalo,NY
Height : 5.9"
Father's Name : Madhavan Soumyanarayanan, Advisory Consultant, Chennai
Mother's Name : Meera Madhavan, LIC, Chennai
Siblings: Nil
Expectations: Iyengar brides studying or employed in USA
Contact -
Whatsapp No: +919566244433
Special information, if any:-Horoscope matching preferred
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Telephone: +919566244433
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Note: Profile submitted in the whatsapp forum on 6.10.2018 and reproduced in the blog, as received, with the consent
REF: VVO- 029