Vikram Jegannathan, B.E., MS

Vv Overseas Brahmin's Please fill the details of your choice that you want to appear in the blog Name : Vikram Jegannathan Gender : Male Caste/Sect/Sub sect : Brahmin/Iyengar/Vadakalai Gothram: Kousigam Star : Sadhayam Rasi : Kumbham DOB/TOB/POB: 06.06.1988/9.16 AM/Chennai Education : B.E., MS Occupation : Sr.Engr (Processing), IntelCorp Loction : Phoenix, Arizona,USA Height : 5' 10" Father's name : R. Jegannathan Mother's name : M. Sarayu Sibblings : None Expectations : kalai no bar, USA based Contact : 044 28153673 Whtasapp No : 9884851328/9444137855 If any Spl.information : GC/ I140 received Declaration 1. We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of Vv Groups of Matrimonial alliances and fully agree with it. 2. By submitting the profile of my ward, I/we fully accept the Terms and conditions and give my/our consent for it to be published in social network such as whatasapp, blog Google doc etc. 3. We ...