
Showing posts from March 29, 2020

Deepak Govind. M, B.Tech, M.S

Vv Overseas Brahmin's  Please fill the details of your choice that you want to appear in the blog 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 1)Name : Deepak Govind. M கல்யாணம் நிச்சயம் ஆகி விட்டது 3)Subsect: Thenkalai Iyengar 4)Gothram : Haritha 5)Star :  Rasi:. 6)Age (Month and year) : 25;     7)Education : B.Tech, M.S.(CS) USA 8)Occupation: Software developer,                     9)Location: 10)Height : 5'11" 11)Father Name:  12)Mother Name:  13)Brother/Sister: 0/1 14)Other sub sects  (Iyer or Iyangar): Iyengar 15)Expectations: Professional degree holder preferably in USA 16)Contact No: + 17)Whatsapp No: + 18)If any Spl info:-  Father - retired & Mother - Housewife.  1 daughter married and settled in Chennai 19)google search: No (Google ல் தேடினால் உங்கள் பெயர் இந்த மாட்ரிமோனியில் உள்ள விவரம் வரலாமா,கூடாதா) Declaration ...1)The particulars furnished by me are true ...

Yogashree. B E M Tech (PhD )

Vv Overseas Brahmin's  Please fill the details of your choice that you want to appear in the blog 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 1)Name : Yogashree 2)Gender : Female 3)Subsect: Vadakalai Iyengar  4)Gothram : Srivatsan 5)Star : Moolam 2nd Padam Rasi:  6)Age (Month and year) : 9-3-1991 7) Education B E M Tech (PhD ) Chemical  8)Occupation: Researcher  9)Location: Alberta Univ Canada 10)Height : 5-5” 11)Father Name S Bharath 12)Mother Name Radha 13)Brother/Sister:1 brother 14)Other sub sects  (Iyer or Iyangar):yes /No Yes 15)Expectations:  16)Contact No- 9113859984 17)Whatsapp No: 9113859984 18)If any Spl info:- (Salary etc ) 19)google search:Yes/No (Google ல் தேடினால் உங்கள் பெயர் இந்த மாட்ரிமோனியில் உள்ள விவரம் வரலாமா,கூடாதா) 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 Declaration ...1)The particulars furnished by me are true to my knowledge 2)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of Vv Groups of Matrimonial Alliances...

P. Hariharan (Raghu) , B.Tech, MBA

P. Hariharan (Raghu)   Vv Overseas Brahmin's  Please fill the details of your choice that you want to appear in the blog 1) Name : P. Hariharan (Raghu)  2) Gender   : Male 3) Subsect : Tamil Iyer Brahacharanam 4) Gothram :    Kaushika 5) Star          : Karthika 6) Raasi     : Rishabharasi 7) Age            : 32 8) Education    : B.Tech,  MBA from Syracuse University, USA 9) Occupation  : Working in Target as Manager (Supply Chain). Currently on H1 and applied for GC.  10)Location: Minneapolis, USA 11) Height  : 5.8 12) Father Name: R Padmanabhan  (Late) 13)Mother Name : Dr Madhu Meenakshi Padmanabhan 14) Other Sub sects: Iyer 15) Expectations : Girl need not  16) Contact No : 7032254115 17) WhatsApp No : 7032254115 Declaration ...1)The particulars furnished by me are true to my knowledge 2)I/We have studied a...