Girish Sankar, BE(Mech),MS(industrial engg_USA)

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We seek alliance for our Son
Name : Girish Sankar
Gender : Male
Cast.Sect &Subsect: Brahmin Iyer, Brahacharanam
Gothram : Srivatsam
Star : Tiruvonam
DoB,Tob & Pob :18.8.1986, 1.26 pm, Kolkata
Education :BE(Mech),MS(Industrial Engg_USA)
Occupation: senior consultant, Deloitte, USA
Location: Batonrouge, Louisiana
Height : 6'3"(193cm)
Father's Name : S Sankar
Mother's Name : Lakshmisankar
Siblings:one. Married and settled
Expectations: we look forward to having a qualified, tall , accommodative and affectionate life partner for our son.
Contact -
Whatsapp No:91 9444950230
If any Spl info:-my son is having H_1B visa validup to july 2019.subject to renewal. Prefer girls willing to relocate to US.
I have studied and understood the terms and conditions of Vv Groups of Matrimonial Alliances and fully agree. I am submitting the profile of my ward and agree for it to be published in whatsapp, blog,Google doc
___________Name of parent:. Lakshmisankar
Telephone no 9444 950230
Note: Profile submitted on line in the whatsapp group on 22.10.2018, reproduced in the blog, as received, contents unchanged, with the consent
REF: VVO - 152