Monica (a) Janani, B.Tech MS
Vv Overseas Brahmin's
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We seek alliance for our Daughter
Name : Monica (a) Janani
Gender :Female
Cast.Sect & Subsect: Iyengar, Vadakalai
Gothram : Bharadwaja
Star : Bharani
DoB,Tob & Pob :10th Nov 1992
Education : B.Tech(IT) from SSN,Chennai ,Graduated MS(CS) from University of North Carolina, Charlotte (USA),December 2018.
Occupation: Working as Software Development Engineer at CISCO, San Jose, California
Location: San Jose , CA .
Height : 5ft 6 inches
Father's Name : P Kuppuswamy
Mother's Name : P K Usha
Siblings: One Son , MS(Industrial Engg), University of Texas, Arlington . Now working in California
Contact - 9381001894
Whatsapp No:9381001894
Email Id:
No Sevva Dosham
Kalai No Bar
If any Spl info:-
I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of Aiyengar Alliances and fully agree with it. By submitting the profile of my ward, I/We fully accept the Terms & Conditions and give my/our consent for it to be published in social networks such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.
Name of parent : P Kuppuswamy
Telephone no: +91 9381001894
Email Id:
Note: Profile submitted in the whatsapp forum on 6.10.2018 and reproduced in the blog, as received, with the consent. Photo shared in the whatsapp group on 21.4.2019 for publication in the blog
REF: VVO- 027
Please fill the details of your choice that you want to appear in the blog

Name : Monica (a) Janani
Gender :Female
Cast.Sect & Subsect: Iyengar, Vadakalai
Gothram : Bharadwaja
Star : Bharani
DoB,Tob & Pob :10th Nov 1992
Education : B.Tech(IT) from SSN,Chennai ,Graduated MS(CS) from University of North Carolina, Charlotte (USA),December 2018.
Occupation: Working as Software Development Engineer at CISCO, San Jose, California
Location: San Jose , CA .
Height : 5ft 6 inches
Father's Name : P Kuppuswamy
Mother's Name : P K Usha
Siblings: One Son , MS(Industrial Engg), University of Texas, Arlington . Now working in California
Expectations: US based grooms with matching qualifications with H1B visa is required.Age difference minimum of <1 year and maximum of 3 years preferred.
Whatsapp No:9381001894
Email Id:
No Sevva Dosham
Kalai No Bar
If any Spl info:-
I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of Aiyengar Alliances and fully agree with it. By submitting the profile of my ward, I/We fully accept the Terms & Conditions and give my/our consent for it to be published in social networks such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.

Name of parent : P Kuppuswamy
Telephone no: +91 9381001894
Email Id:
Note: Profile submitted in the whatsapp forum on 6.10.2018 and reproduced in the blog, as received, with the consent. Photo shared in the whatsapp group on 21.4.2019 for publication in the blog
REF: VVO- 027