Rohit கல்யாணம் நிச்சயம் ஆகி விட்டது
Vv Overseas Brahmin's
Please fill the details of your choice that you want to appear in the blog
Name : Rohit Chakravarthi
கல்யாணம் நிச்சயம் ஆகி விட்டது
Caste: Brahmin & sub- sect: iyengar , Thenkalai
Gothram: Kousiga
Star: Rohini
Rasi: Rishaba
Education: B E M S (USA)
Occupation: Senior Software Developer
Location :
Height: 5’ 6
Father’s Name:
Mothers Name:
Siblings: one elder brother Married
Contact- What’s App No:
Special Information if any:
Declaration ..... I / We have read and completely understood the terms and conditions of Vvoverseasbrahmin’s matrimonial Alliances ans fully agree to it . By submitting the profile of my ward , I / We fully accept the terms and conditions and give my/ our consent for it to be published in WhatsApp , Blog, Google Doc Etc .

Name of the parent/Guardian :
E-mail :
Note: Profile submitted on line in the whatsapp group on 21.02.2019, reproduced in the blog, as received, contents unchanged, with the consent Photo shared in whatsapp group on 18.04.2019
REF: VVO- 351