J.Varuna Narasimhan, B.E(Mech) M.E(Engines)
Vv Overseas Brahmin's
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Name : J.Varuna Narasimhan
கல்யாணம் நிச்சயம் ஆகி விட்டது
Cast.Sect &Subsect: Brahmin Iyengar Vadakalai
Gothram : Srivatsa
Star :
Rasi:* Rishabam
DoB,Tob & Pob :
Education : B.E(Mech) M.E(Engines)
Location: currently working in UK
Height : 6Ft
Father's Name :
Mother's Name :
Siblings: 2 Elder brothers (Married)
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I have studied and understood the terms and conditions of Vv Groups of Matrimonial Alliances and fully agree. I am submitting the profile of my ward and agree for it to be published in whatsapp, blog,Google doc

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Note: Profile submitted on line in the whats app group on 06.04.2019, reproduced in the blog, as received, contents unchanged, with the consent
REF: VVO- 403