Geeta, B.A C.A Inter (group 1) C1-DALF in French
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We seek alliance for our Daughter
Name : Geeta
Gender : Female
Cast (Sect &Subsect): Mother: Palakkad Brahmin (Vadama)
Mother's Gothram: Badarayana
Father: Sindhi
Father's Gothram : Kashyapa
We are very strict Vegetarian
Star : Bharani
Rasi: Mesham
DoB,Tob & Pob : 16.09.1992 2:45 PM Coimbatore
Education : B.A French literature C.A Inter (group 1) C1-DALF in French
Occupation: English teaching assistant with Ministry of Education, France
Location: Chartres, France
Height : 5'2

Father's Name : Haresh
Mother's Name : Madura
Siblings: One Elder Sister - Nandini (Married and settled in Bangalore)
Expectations: We would welcome an alliance from a sincere and honest and vegetarian boy having cultural values & religious bent of mind.
Contact -
Whatsapp No: 9952125651
E mail:
Special information, if any:-
Declaration .....I/we have read and completely understood the terms and conditions of Vv Overseas Brahmin's Matrimonial Alliances and fully agree to it. By submitting the profile of my ward, I/we fully accept the terms & conditions and give my/our consent for it to be published in whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,
Name of parent: Madura
Telephone: 9952125651
E mail:
Name : Geeta
Gender : Female
Cast (Sect &Subsect): Mother: Palakkad Brahmin (Vadama)
Mother's Gothram: Badarayana
Father: Sindhi
Father's Gothram : Kashyapa
We are very strict Vegetarian
Star : Bharani
Rasi: Mesham
DoB,Tob & Pob : 16.09.1992 2:45 PM Coimbatore
Education : B.A French literature C.A Inter (group 1) C1-DALF in French
Occupation: English teaching assistant with Ministry of Education, France
Location: Chartres, France
Height : 5'2

Father's Name : Haresh
Mother's Name : Madura
Siblings: One Elder Sister - Nandini (Married and settled in Bangalore)
Expectations: We would welcome an alliance from a sincere and honest and vegetarian boy having cultural values & religious bent of mind.
Contact -
Whatsapp No: 9952125651
E mail:
Special information, if any:-
Declaration .....I/we have read and completely understood the terms and conditions of Vv Overseas Brahmin's Matrimonial Alliances and fully agree to it. By submitting the profile of my ward, I/we fully accept the terms & conditions and give my/our consent for it to be published in whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,
Name of parent: Madura
Telephone: 9952125651
E mail:
Note: Profile submitted on line in the whats app group on 23.05.2019, reproduced in the blog, as received, contents unchanged, with the consent. Photo submitted in the whatsapp group on 26.5.2019 for publication in the blog
REF: VVO- 466