Vikram Jegannathan, B.E., MS
Please fill the details of your choice that you want to appear in the blog
Name : Vikram Jegannathan
Gender : Male
Caste/Sect/Sub sect : Brahmin/Iyengar/Vadakalai
Gothram: Kousigam
Star : Sadhayam
Rasi : Kumbham
DOB/TOB/POB: 06.06.1988/9.16 AM/Chennai
Education : B.E., MS
Occupation : Sr.Engr (Processing), IntelCorp
Loction : Phoenix, Arizona,USA
Height : 5' 10"
Father's name : R. Jegannathan
Mother's name : M. Sarayu
Sibblings : None
Expectations : kalai no bar, USA based
Contact : 044 28153673
Whtasapp No : 9884851328/9444137855
If any Spl.information : GC/ I140 received
1. We have studied and completely understood theterms and conditions of Vv Groups of Matrimonial alliances and fully agree with it.2. By submitting the profile of my ward, I/we fully accept the Terms and conditions and give my/our consent for it to be published in social network such as whatasapp, blog Google doc etc.
3. We will inform whenever marriage is settled.
Agreed . ... R. JEGANNATHAN
Gender : Male
Caste/Sect/Sub sect : Brahmin/Iyengar/Vadakalai
Gothram: Kousigam
Star : Sadhayam
Rasi : Kumbham
DOB/TOB/POB: 06.06.1988/9.16 AM/Chennai
Education : B.E., MS
Occupation : Sr.Engr (Processing), IntelCorp
Loction : Phoenix, Arizona,USA
Height : 5' 10"
Father's name : R. Jegannathan
Mother's name : M. Sarayu
Sibblings : None
Expectations : kalai no bar, USA based
Contact : 044 28153673
Whtasapp No : 9884851328/9444137855
If any Spl.information : GC/ I140 received
1. We have studied and completely understood theterms and conditions of Vv Groups of Matrimonial alliances and fully agree with it.2. By submitting the profile of my ward, I/we fully accept the Terms and conditions and give my/our consent for it to be published in social network such as whatasapp, blog Google doc etc.

Agreed . ... R. JEGANNATHAN
Note: Profile & Photo submitted on line in the whats app group on 1*.12.2019, reproduced in the blog, as received, contents unchanged, with the consent
REF: VVO- 602