SHRIVATSAV, Post Doctorate
Please fill the details of your choice that you want to appear in the blog
Gender :Male
Caste,Sect & Subsect: Hindu Iyengar Vadakalai
Gothram : Srivatsam
Star : Visakam
Completed Age: 35 years, 2 months
Education :Post Doctorate
Occupation:Technical Sales Specialist Thermo fisher scientific Inc
Location:Boston USA
Height : 5.5
Father's Name : Pattabiraman
Mother's Name : Krishnakumari
Expectations: Iyengar Kalai no bar
Contact -
Whatsapp No:9444453485
If any Spl info:-
Declaration ......1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of Vv Groups of Matrimonial Alliances and fully agree with it. 2)By submitting the profile of my ward, I/We fully accept the Terms & Conditions and give my/our consent for it to be published in social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,

Name of parent Pattabiraman
Note: Profile & Photo submitted on line in the whats app group on 03.03.2020, reproduced in the blog, as received, contents unchanged, with the consent
REF: VVO- 649