Deepak Govind. M, B.Tech, M.S
Vv Overseas Brahmin's
Please fill the details of your choice that you want to appear in the blog
1)Name : Deepak Govind. M
கல்யாணம் நிச்சயம் ஆகி விட்டது
3)Subsect: Thenkalai Iyengar
4)Gothram : Haritha
5)Star :
6)Age(Month and year): 25;
7)Education : B.Tech, M.S.(CS) USA
8)Occupation: Software developer,
10)Height : 5'11"
11)Father Name:
12)Mother Name:
13)Brother/Sister: 0/1
14)Other sub sects (Iyer or Iyangar): Iyengar
15)Expectations: Professional degree holder preferably in USA
16)Contact No: +
17)Whatsapp No: +
18)If any Spl info:- Father - retired & Mother - Housewife. 1 daughter married and settled in Chennai
19)google search: No
(Google ல் தேடினால் உங்கள் பெயர் இந்த மாட்ரிமோனியில் உள்ள விவரம் வரலாமா,கூடாதா)
Declaration ...1)The particulars furnished by me are true to my knowledge 2)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of Vv Groups of Matrimonial Alliances and fully agree with it. 3)By submitting the profile of my ward, I/We fully accept the Terms & Conditions and give my/our consent for it to be published in social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,
3)*we will inform and thank to both admins whenever marriage is settled
திருமணம் நிச்சயமானால் ப்ளாக் எண்ணை கூறி கட்டாயம் அட்மின்களுக்கு அறிவித்து நன்றி கூறுவேன் 👍
Name of the parent
For registration (Vvbrahmin free matrimony )Contact V.Venkatesan 6381369319
1)Name : Deepak Govind. M
கல்யாணம் நிச்சயம் ஆகி விட்டது
3)Subsect: Thenkalai Iyengar
4)Gothram : Haritha
5)Star :
6)Age(Month and year): 25;
7)Education : B.Tech, M.S.(CS) USA
8)Occupation: Software developer,
10)Height : 5'11"
11)Father Name:
12)Mother Name:
13)Brother/Sister: 0/1
14)Other sub sects (Iyer or Iyangar): Iyengar
15)Expectations: Professional degree holder preferably in USA
16)Contact No: +
17)Whatsapp No: +
18)If any Spl info:- Father - retired & Mother - Housewife. 1 daughter married and settled in Chennai
19)google search: No
(Google ல் தேடினால் உங்கள் பெயர் இந்த மாட்ரிமோனியில் உள்ள விவரம் வரலாமா,கூடாதா)
Declaration ...1)The particulars furnished by me are true to my knowledge 2)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of Vv Groups of Matrimonial Alliances and fully agree with it. 3)By submitting the profile of my ward, I/We fully accept the Terms & Conditions and give my/our consent for it to be published in social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,
3)*we will inform and thank to both admins whenever marriage is settled
திருமணம் நிச்சயமானால் ப்ளாக் எண்ணை கூறி கட்டாயம் அட்மின்களுக்கு அறிவித்து நன்றி கூறுவேன் 👍

Name of the parent
For registration (Vvbrahmin free matrimony )Contact V.Venkatesan 6381369319
Note: Profile & Photo submitted on line in the whats app group on 03.04.2020, reproduced in the blog, as received, contents unchanged, with the consent
REF: VVO- 678