G.Bhargavi, B.E. M.S.
Please fill the details of your choice that you want to appear in the blog
1. Name. G.Bhargavi
2. Gender. Female
3. Sub-sect Vadakalai Iyengar
4.Star/Gothram Mirugasheersham/ Srivatsam
5. Age. December 1993
6. Education. B.E. M.S.,
7. Occupation Intel
8. Location Folsom CA
9. Contact No. 9042284469
10. Whatsapp No.9042384469
11. Height. 5.5 "
13. Google search. Yes

Note: Profile & Photo submitted on line in the whats app group on 06.09.2020, reproduced in the blog, as received, contents unchanged, with the consent
REF: VVO- 781